Pic of the day: Yasser
Yasser is from Bagdad. For years he suffered interfaith conflicts between Sunni and Shiite muslims, which notably led him having to stop his studies.
Yasser is from Bagdad. For years he suffered interfaith conflicts between Sunni and Shiite muslims, which notably led him having to stop his studies.
“In my country my husband and I were schoolteachers. We belonged to the middle class, we had a house and a car.”
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Sorry, this entry is only available in French.
(Français) Mohamed a quitté la Syrie il y a un an pour fuir la guerre. Il était étudiant en droit et travaillait dans un commerce pour payer ses études.
“I was working in a dental care laboratory, I had a good situation there. But the bombings destroyed our neighbourhood. Most of our friends died.”
“Isis took everything from us: our properties, our cars, our houses. So we had no home left.”
“How can I feel like a good mother if I can’t even guarantee my children’s security? Our lives have never been the same again since we lived through the bombardments.”
(Français) Cela fait plus de deux semaines que des réfugiés dorment au Parc Maximilien et le gouvernement fédéral s’obstine à refuser de trouver une solution à la crise.
(Français) Haider, 37 ans, ouvrier. Origine : Irak.
« Dans mon pays, je travaillais dans une petite société d’aménagement intérieur depuis 14 ans. J’effectuais des travaux de finition comme du plafonnage et ce genre de choses. C’était un bon job. Mais les bombardements ont dévasté notre village. Je me suis retrouvé sans travail et sans maison.